The first section of the current edition of the Korni (Roots)
Quarterly is entitled Modern Jewish Life.
In the article Euro-Asian Jewish Congress the Political
Portrait by Michael Chlenov (Moscow, Russia), the author describes
the history of the organization and explains its political tasks and
In Jewish Concerns of the Orange Country, Michael Gold
(Kiev, Ukraine) writes how the situation after the orange revolution in
Ukraine could affect the Jewish community of the country.
The section On 60th Anniversary of the Victory contains materials
dedicates to the Anniversary of the Victory in the WWII.
In the article Military Doctors Memoirs, the war veteran Samuel
Yarmonenko (Moscow, Russia) presents his memoirs about the war. He writes
about the first battle he was involved in and about the offensive in Crimea
that he participated in.
In Yukhovichy Bendery by Valeriy Shapiro (Moscow,
Russia), the author recounts a story of his father, Abraham Shapiro who was
in command of an artillery regiment during the WWII.
In Lieutenant Moisey Avgustevich, Russian, 1944, Semyon
Avgustevich (Saratov, Russia) writes about his brother Moisey who was a
tankman during the war. He was killed in April 1944 during the tank
In the article The Chief of a Hospital, Mark Shapiro
and Stanislav Shapiro (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia) write about their
father and grandfather Moisey Shapiro who participated the WWII as the chief of
field hospitals.
Destinies Affected by the War by Dmitriy
Tsvibel (Petrozavodsk, Russia) recounts stories of war veterans Garry Lak
and Boris Klein.
In Two stories, Antonina Oksman (Tula, Russia) writes
about the Ostrovskiys family who attempted to survive during the fascist
occupation of their towns in Ukraine and about Isay Shakher who survived in the
concentration camp.
In From Stories of the Blockade by Anna Brzhezovskaya
(Saint-Petersburg, Russia), the author describes the difficult life in
Leningrad blockaded by fascists.
The Endless Search of the Roots was
written by Victor Geht (Moscow, Russia). The author survived in the
fascist occupation, his parents were killed and after the war he received the
Soviet passport and other documents with improper information about his parents,
his date of birth and his origin. He attempted to find his relatives and
restore proper documents. It took him almost 50 years to succeed.
Jews in the Struggle for Independent Ukraine by Alexander Gogun (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) and
Alexander Vovk (Kiev, Ukraine) describes how Jews participated in the
liberation movement in the Western Ukraine in 1940s.
In The First Day, the Last Day, Michael Zlatogorov
wrote about the day when Germany attacked Soviet Union (June 22, 1941) and
about the day when Victory over fascist Germany was announced (May 9, 1945).
During the war Michael Zlatogorov was in citizens-in-arms of Moscow and then he
served as a military journalist.
The Israel Literature section was prepared by Alexander Krukov
(Moscow, Russia). It contains an article by A. Krukov dedicated to Orly
Kastel-Blum, the Israel writer who is 45 this year, and three novel stories
by Orly Kastel-Blum.
The next section is entitled In Memory of the Friend.
In Memory of Lev Moshinskiy by Valeriy Lebedev (Rybinsk, Russia),
the author writes about the most popular Jew in Rybinsk Lev Moshinskiy who died
in December 2004. Lev Moshinskiy had a many-sided personality. He was the
founder of Adams Church in Rybinsk, he was an active member of Jewish
community of Rybinsk and he had strong political opinions as a democrat.
The Comments. Reviews. Criticism section contains letters to the
editors, comments and criticisms. The contributors to this section are L.
Sheinker (Toronto, Canada), E. Levin (Moscow, Russia), B. Mershon (Zhmerinka,
Ukraine), A. Egorov (Ivanovo, Rassia), S. Dodik (Moscow, Russia), A. Kremer
(Odessa, Ukraine), L. Kerzhenevich (Kazan, Russia), A. Khasin (Vladimir,
Russia), S. Ruzhanskiy (USA), T. Segal (Samara, Russia), A. Melikhov
(Saint-Petersburg, Russia), M. Mordukhovich (Lipetsk, Russia), N. Vainshtein
(Kostroma, Russia).