Roots, #12

July-December 1999


The magazine opens with an article Russian Zionism and its Political Practice during the 2nd Alia by Vadim Pankov from Tula. The article is devoted to the great period of Jewish history, that is the period of the 2nd Alia, when the basis of Israel economical system was formed.

In the article Family in National Self-Identification of a Child by Svetlana Busygina from Saratov the author tells about the role of the family education in the formation of national self-identification of Jewish children.

The next work is Magendavid: History and Legends by Emmanuil Mendelevich from Oryol. The author represents to the readers the history of Magendavid from an accidental ornamental drawing till the symbol of very important concepts of the History.

The work Biblical Sketches by A.A. Ivanov by Marina Kiselyova from Nizhny Novgorod tells about biblical motives in the works of the great Russian artist.

The section Lectures contains 2 works. These are Bruria is a Wife of Rabbi Meir, the First Woman in Jewish Tradition by Leonid Mazikh from Israel, and Purimshpiel by Zilya Segal from Samara.

An article Bryansk Jewish Community: History and Contemporaneity by Igor Zelcburg from Bryansk starts the next section Our Genealogies. It is a brief review of Bryansk Jewish community life from the end of 19th century till our days.

The author of the next article We are Back, We are Here is a disabled soldier of the World War II Ruven Yevilevich from Israel. In the article he expresses his feelings after the interview with Alexey Speransky.

The article Jews of Udmurtia during the World War II by Alexander Yukhvidov from Izhevsk is memoirs of a Jewish family about war period in Izhevsk.

The next section Memoirs and Documents opens with an article Where are Our Roots? by Yefim Podoxik from Kostroma. The article is about Jews, who came to the lands of Volga, Don, North Donez, Meschersky region from the South.

The next article The Pale of Settlement Mode of Life and Customs is memoirs of a general, a Jew M. Grulyov, who immigrated from Russia to France before the World War I.

An article Bolgaro-Chuvashskaya Civilization on the Cross of Religions from the section Thoughts is written by Prof. Gennady Tafayev from Cheboksary. The author shows how closely interwoven three religions in the faith of a little nation.

The work Thoughts by Lev Alshiz from Borovichi is original approach to different things and events.

The section Opinions. Reviews. Criticism contains the letters from the readers with their recommendations, opinions and wishes to the magazine.

At the end of the issue the reader will find information about the authors.

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