
"Roots" #52

(October - December 2011)





world of science
Vilen Fishzon (USA, Cleveland). In memory of the Scientist
Lourence Solomon (Israel). New Energy of Israel
Michael Dorfman (USA, New York). New Epoch in Medicine Began
Ilya Treiger (USA, Washington). Maisotsenko’s Stories
Elena Nosenko-Shtein (Russia, Moscow). Thinking about the Conference Dedicated to Russian Jews

to understand the country
Alexey Shiropaev (Russia, Moscow). My Discovery of Israel
Vadim Rothenberg (Israel). Conflict between Arabs and Israel – Conflict between Civilization and ... What?
Eugene Satanovskiy (Russia, Moscow). About Jews
Victoria Martynova (Israel, Tel Aviv). How Giur will Save Israel
John Haggee, pastor (USA). My Message to World
Netaniyahu’s Speech in UN: “Settlements are not Reason of Conflict, but One of its Results”
Carlo Strenger (Israel, Tel Aviv). Mahmud Abbas’ Crucial address to Israel

Faina Shalita-Dvoyrina (USA, New York). Stories
Brilliant Teacher
Tub of Cold Water
Ill-fated Mark
Dangerous Incident
History of one Dissertation
Came to an Agreement
I Like to Write Letters
Julia Rozenberg (Russia, Moscow). About My Father
Oleg Khlebnikov (Russia, Moscow). Novel for Which the Writer was killed

russia – such a country
Tatiana Malkina (Russia, Moscow). “Russia - Such a Country Where at least One Man Must Tell Truth”
Roy Medvedev (Russia, Moscow). To Stop Stalinism
Efim Finkelshtein (Russia, Moscow). Harsh Truth
Anton Nossik (Russia, Moscow). Transaero: Optimistic Tragedy
December Choice

Jozef Trostanovskiy (Germany, Dusseldorf). Hello, Colleagues
Semyon Avgustevich. Jozef Trostanovskiy – 80!
Jozef Trostanovskiy, Anatoly Yakub, Vladimir Tartakovskiy (Germany, Dusseldorf).Celebration of the Great Victory in Jewish Community of Germany
Roman Spector (Russia, Moscow). Jewish Activist: Way and Destiny about the war
Moshe Liba (Israel, Jerusalem). Re-writing of the history – St.Louis
Victor Seleznev (Russia, Saratov). How the War Began
Alexander Semyanovskiy (Russia, Moscow). In Memory of the Fallens
Igor Gantman (Belarus, Minsk). Rebel of Volyn “Mossada”
Eugenia Steklova (Russia, Kaliningrad). To Revive of Tradition to Remember

history of communities
Abraham Pekniy (Russia, Penza). History that We did not Learn

letters, opinions, review, criticism
Eleonora Groisman (Ukraine, Kiev). Dangerous Games
Igor Teslochenko (Ukraine, Zaporozhe). Famous Yiddish – 90!
Tamara Fokina (Russia, Saratov)
Semyon Avgustevich (Russia, Moscow). Letters of Brother